Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Taking Care of Pregnant and Baby Rabbits


Many pet rabbit owners had few successes in rearing baby rabbits. The mortality percentage of newborn rabbits are altitudinous but there are things that pet rabbit owners could do to make better the survival chances of the baby rabbits.

Before we discuss further into the topics of rabbit breedings, maternity and baby rabbits, let's get the language right. A female rabbit is known as a doe. Weaning refers to separating the preteenl rabbits from the doe. 

Does may conceal their pregnancy quite fine. Thus, yet veteran vet sometimes made mistakes in assessing if a female rabbit is pregnant. A female rabbit that is pregnant do not alter its conduct much. As rabbits are at the lowest of the food chain, it is natural for rabbits to procreate as ofttimes as possible to assure their survival and perpetuating of the rabbits.

Depending on the breed of the rabbit, a female rabbit is sexually mature at the age of 6 months. Some rabbit breed are sexually matured at 9 months. 

One of the more reliable way to check if your female rabbit is pregnant is that she may start rejecting advances initiated by the buck. The maternity timeframe of the rabbit is around 31 days. The foetus in the female rabbit's abdomen feels similar marble.

Female rabbits may also appear for suited places such as interior of well hidden card-boxes. The female rabbit may produce a litter of 7 to 13 kits. Grown rabbits has a scent which shall attract predator animals, baby rabbits do not. That is why the female rabbit feed the baby rabbits only once or twice a day.

Fresh born baby rabbits do not have fur on their bodies and their eyes are closed. Place the fresh born baby rabbits on the towel. If the doe has not make a suitable nest for her baby rabbits, you may create one using packing of cardboard box. 

Hays that had excrement will get musty and is bad to be made as litter for the baby rabbits. 

The buck should be unconnected from the both the doe and the newly born baby rabbits. It is not likely that he shall hurt the baby rabbit but it shall improve the survival chances of the baby rabbits. The doe will ordinarily feed the new born baby rabbits during dusk or at dawn. It is crucial to give the doe the moment to be alone with her baby rabbits during nursing time. If humans are present, the doe may appear distressed and she may not feed the baby rabbits. 

If you notice that the baby rabbits have plump tummies and are warm, then possible they have been getting enough nutrition from the doe's milk.

Suitable milk substitute for baby rabbits involve those formulated from dog's and cat's milk. As the baby rabbits are really young, they are not good at sucking milk from the pet feeding bottle. The ) {duration for the whole litter of baby rabbits may take one hour at first. The baby rabbits shall open their eyes and at 10 days old and begin taking solid food at 21 days old.

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