Monday, March 19, 2012

How to Prevent and Treat Digestive Disorders in Rabbit

If a rabbit appears unable to eat, first look at its mouth to see if the incisor teeth are overgrown, giving rise to the condition known as dental malocclusion or 'buck teeth'. Your veterinarian will cut the teeth back for you, although it is possible to carry out this task yourself. First obtain a pair of bone clippers -scissors are not really suitable- and ask someone to hold the rabbit for you on a table or similar level surface. Then pry open the mouth and, holding the jaws, clip the teeth. Do not be tempted to cut the teeth too short; simply remove the twisted area of growth. Offering chewing blocks, or even dried crusts of bread, may help to slow down growth of the incisors, but within a few weeks you will almost certainly need to clip the teeth again.

Dribbling of saliva from the mouth, known as 'slobbers', may also be caused by a dental problem. The most noticeable sign is likely to be an area of wet fur at the comer of the mouth, with possible swelling around the side of the face if a tooth abscess is the cause of the complaint. A closer veterinary examination will be essential for this problem, and the rabbit may have to be anesthetized. Using modem drugs, this is a relatively safe procedure, as it is for guinea pigs.

Diarrhea and Enteritis in Rabbit

While the effects of drugs are well studied in rabbits, much work is still required to discover why these animals appear so susceptible to diarrhea. The problem is usually complex, involving more than one infectious agent. Yet it does appear that stress of any kind is significant, and that young animals are most at risk.

The signs of mucoid enteritis will typically be seen in rabbits up to about five months of age, with a peak likely around the two to three month period. Affected animals lose their appetites and grow listless. Diarrhea, often clear and jelly-like, rapidly becomes apparent, together with an accompanying high level of water consumption. An accumulation of gas in the abdomen may give rise to the characteristic swelling described as bloat, and death will occur within about a week of the symptoms first appearing. Where large numbers of rabbits are at risk, the use of medicated foods may be advisable through this crucial period. Once the disease does occur, however, the likelihood of recovery is relatively slight; and even if they do survive, affected individuals may remain stunted.

Part of the difficulty with treatment is that there appears to be no single cause of mucoid enteritis. Bacteria, including members of the costridial group, are known to be involved in most cases. In addition, Bacillus piliformis, which is responsible for Tyzzer's Disease, can be identified in cases of mucoid enteritis. Tyzzer's Disease is recognized as a separate ailment affecting even younger rabbits, normally about six weeks old. It invariably proves fatal at this stage, with symptoms similar to mucoid enteritis.

If rabbits do die from enteritis of any kind, thoroughly clean and disinfect their quarters to minimize the risk of spreading the disease. Also dispose of their bedding, preferably by burning it. When faced with a sudden, explosive outbreak of this problem, consult a veterinarian without delay. It will be possible to carry out post-mortems, and from the results of these plus other tests, notably those to find the bacteria concerned, it may be feasible to treat surviving stock.

Derrick Anderson - About the Author: offers a wire mesh indoor rabbit cage and high quality guinea pig cages for your pets.

Rabbit Illness - What Are The Signs You Should Look Out For When Raising Rabbits

The main reason why you need to widen your gaze regarding rabbit illness is because they can lead to complications and even death. Pay close attention to your pet if you must!
Common Signs of Rabbit Illness

- Loss of Appetite - This is the most common sign that there is something wrong with your pet. No matter how enticing and attractive you make its food look like it just won't eat. In some cases if the rabbit is really sick it won't even take a small sip of water.

- Irritability - Irritability among animals is exhibited through running away when you want to pet or cuddle them. Sometimes this includes biting and screaming.
Ads by Google - Always Sleeping - A sick animal is always resting. You'll notice that it would rather sleep than eat or run around.

- Lack of Energy - you'll also notice that the rabbit does not hop around too much. It's either asleep or resting in one corner. It looks tired even though it's always sleeping.

- Fever - Animals with fever exhibit high temperature. You don't need to take a thermometer to check this. You will notice a rise in temperature when you pick the animal up. Its body is warmer or hotter than usual.

Dangerous Signs of Rabbit Illness

- Vomiting - aside from loss of appetite. Look for signs that your rabbit vomited. Check out its hutch for anything.- No litter droppings and or Diarrhea- Seems in pain when hopping or refuses to hop around. - Swollen hind leg - This can be a serious sign of injury, which is indicative of fracture.

What you can do about it

First thing to do is give your rabbit some fluids. Rabbits are generally gentle creatures so you don't have to worry about biting and scratching. Use a dropper to so the rabbit won't be overwhelmed. Don't force your rabbit you might cause more harm to him than help. Let it rest while you observe for more signs of Rabbit Illness. Give it fluid from time to time. If this doesn't work don't wait for a few days before you take it to the vet. Take the rabbit to a pet clinic immediately especially if you noticed signs of injury. The vet will prescribe medications for your rabbit which you need to religiously give your bunny. Rabbit illness doesn't usually last long; it often takes about half a day or the whole day at most before it starts to eat again.

Gail Paterson - About the Author:
Learn step by step the right way of keeping rabbits the first time and avoid having to make painful mistakes that beginner rabbit owner's are prone too. Separate yourself from the average rabbit owner who will end up harming their rabbits without knowing it and you could learn more tips on raising rabbits from the guide here: